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Examinations are an inevitable process that all young people have to go through in order to successfully move onto the next stage of their education. For many students this can be a challenge but at Varndean School we believe that we have the right systems in place to ensure students are well-prepared and supported through any examination they take.

Good quality teaching, that includes regular assessments, provides valuable experience and feedback to students throughout the year. End of year exams for all year groups ensure students are well practised under exam conditions long before they reach Year 10/11.

Support for both students and parents is provided through our popular Wellbeing and Progress Evenings where parents get to work with their child on curriculum content and gain a secure understanding of the expectations for qualifications their child is taking; gain an understanding of how each course is structured and if there is a coursework element, key dates, deadlines and so on.

Learning the vocab every week and completing the coursework to the best of my ability finally paid off when I opened my results letter last August and saw an A* written next to French.

The most important thing I learnt during my time at Varndean is that success only depends on persistence and resilience; rising up to the challenge.   

In Year 11 we have two pre-public exam series (PPEs), prior to the final public exams in the summer. These take place in October and the Spring term and provide exceptionally valuable feedback to staff and students to ensure targeted teaching and intervention. ‘Walking Talking Mocks’ where teachers walk students through an exam paper and talk through the steps they would take to answer each question.

We also support Year 11 students through each of the following commitments:

  • Department revision sessions and catch up opportunities
  • Advice and guidance on revision in assemblies and tutor time
  • Specialist input and mentoring for those that need it most
  • Well-established and robust approach to access arrangements
  • Year 11 newsletter
  • Support for college applications and interviews

Summer Exam Timetable 2025Exam Boards 2024-2025


Page Downloads Date  
Blank Revision Timetable 28th Feb 2023 Download