What is the trust? The Varndean Trust was established in 1990 and is a registered charity (charity no: 1000959) with the purpose of ‘raising funds from school supporters to finance additional school facilities’, that in line with the Fund Constitution will ‘advance the education and personal development of the students in the school’.
Our Vision for the fund…
Within our overarching school vision linked to the butterfly in our School Prospectus, the Fund will particularly focus on ‘advancing and celebrating the education and personal development of all students’ such that they will become:
- Self assured and undaunted by life’s challenges, and ready for what happens next
- Hard working, ambitious and high achieving, and determined to make the most of their opportunities
- Self aware and well rounded, and know how to find contentment
- Kind and generous, and able to make profound difference in the lives of others
- Aware of what matters locally and globally, and can be an agent for change
What are we aiming to fund?
The Fund will fundraise and financially support the following personal development related activities:
- Recognition badges: to fund the Varndean School recognition badges including two new badges to recognise students who actively invest in their personal development as part of their ‘Varndean Journey’ and who leave a lasting legacy within the school
- Student awards: to fund two ‘Suzanne Denyer Awards’ of £500 to be issued each year to departing year 11 students who best demonstrate the five student attributes during their time at the school
- Varndean Arts: to fund everything from costumes, equipment and licenses that enable world class performing and visual arts to continue to flourish within Varndean School
- Guest speakers: to fund guest speakers to visit the school to specifically advance the personal development of students including areas such as leadership, resilience and broadening their horizons
- Enrichment: to fund modest one-off facility enhancements or purchase of equipment to support the personal development of students (e.g. items related to enrichment clubs / activities)

Gift Aid Donations & Donations Without a ParentPay Account
If you would like to apply Gift Aid to your donation, please complete the form below and send to finance@varndean.co.uk
Gift Aid Form
If you don't have a ParentPay account, or prefer to donate by BACS transfer, please use the details below:
Varndean School Development Trust
CAF Bank
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account no.: 00019094
Many thanks for your support.